Tuesday, January 30, 2007,
Excerpts from the heart
What is love?
Can anyone tell me the true meaning of it?
Is it a feeling towards those whom u hold dear? Is it something that can be understood? Is it a natural occurence? ..Or something that you have to search for? Such are the questions which i ask myself sometimes.. Many a times i am torn between what is real and what is imaginary.. It seems i can quite often be shrouded by loVe's true appearance~ Love for my parents & my sis is probably the only "true" loVe that i can understand.. and have understood~
Some say that there is no such thing as being a "normal" friend with a gaL~ Any gaL.. be it ur best friend.. confidant.. classmate etc~ Of coz.. i myself tend not to believe in such rantings.. I for one believe in "friends" as much as "partners".. Though sometimes.. fate tends to pull its strings and twist what appears to be a "normal" friendship.. into something more. I guess.. sometimes you never know what is installed for u~
Who is to say whom i should loVe? - No one. Only mE~ Yet it seems i can never make a decision.. Just as i thought i had made a firm stand... a gust would crumble the pieces and i'd have to start over.. Some pieces lost.. others seemed to have taken on a different shape~ They don't seem to fit as perfectly as before.. and a new puzzle is presented... or do they?
..i dun wish to be a fickle person.. i believe i'm not. Its just.. sometimes i seem to force myself to think to the extremes.. Ever since long ago.. when i made my mistake.. and realised it.. regretted it.. i've seem to be abit more careful.. Care not for myself... but mostly for the person whom i have grown fond of~
Afraid to hurt.. myself.. but mostly her~ I wish to be the one she can confide in.. someone to take care of her.. someone to loVe.. and be loVed by.. a shoulder to lend.. a hand to support~ Yet.. becoz of my situation.. long-distance separation would be inevitable... i am willing to endure... but i'm afraid she would suffer.. afraid she would feel insecure.. torn-apart...
Do my best i will, definitely. If ever given such a beautiful chance.. once again, I would make sure she doesn't feel as lonely.. make sure she is loVed dearly.. as much as i can.. as Best as i can~ ..If only goD would grant me so..~
*Excerpts from the heart*
2:58 PM
Monday, January 22, 2007,
Ai Ai's Celebration
This week has been celebrated with 2 biFdaYs from 2 of the dearest ppl to mE - My old man & My 'Da Jie'~
And of coz~ Both celebrations were just as great and memorable to mE~
We were to celebrate Aiying's biFdaY this day (which happens to be the actual day as well~ :) )
All 8 of us - Jiansheng, jOanna, yoke (no not yokey 'enthu' yoke~ But yoke lim. hehe), junfeng, xUeli, Kevin Pillay, mE and of coz the biFdaY gaL~ With 3 other friends joining us for the cake cutting later - Fuji, Josephine and Martin~
Pillay and i were the first to meet up @ around 4pm @ bugis~ We had some stuffs to accomplish which toOk us from Bugis Junction and then to Cityhall~ From citylink to Marina Square we went.. and finally settling upon Raffles City area~ Hmm.. it was probably the first time we both had to make certain decisions together~ lol It took quite awhile.. but it was all worth it in the end~ ;) All the while we were talking about studying overseas.. how the life is there.. adapting to new environments etc.. You see, he is leaving to study in Brisbane on the 10th of feb~ First time la.. so having the experience of 1 year.. i could tell him some stuffs and what to prepare/expect~
The Original meeting time was 7pm @ Cityhall mrt~ xUe and jf came earlier @ 6.30.. so the 4 of us decided to head on to Swensons at marina to get a place for 10 ppl~ (becoz ljs - lin jiansheng did not place a reservation.. o.O) It was difficult to get a space at that timing.. esp on a sat.. so it toOk us a while.. and finally we got space (after much asking to the reluctant manager who seemed to not want to accommodate 10 of us.. =\ ) at around 7.10pm~
We waited pretty long for the rest to come.. finally all arrived @ 7.45 - 7.50pm~ We were kinda disheartened at how late the others came initially.. i was mostly just tired.. but xUe & jf were more crestfallen~ But dwell we shan't on such matters~ Happy times await us! =)
Everyone loOked great~ ljs had a new neck-chain which i noticed lol.. xuE had a nice hair-cut which was done in the afternoon, yoke was chirpy and pleasant looking as always, aiying cute in her pink blouse, and of coz jO was dressed as alluringly as ever~ ;)
*Pillay . mE . xuE . jf . fuji . josephine . martin . yoke . jO . aiying . ljs*
Finally we could start ordering our dinner~ And i have to report this to everyone out there.. NEVER and i seriously mean EVER try Swensons' "Salmon & Mushroom Pasta" or something like that.. it is by far the WORST tasting piece 'o crap pasta i've ever eaten in my entire life! And i even have both xuE and jf to be my proof! It looks nice and tasty on the outside... but hell.. the inside is not even a shadow of what it seems to be! lol~ >.<"" It was absolutely, almost totally blend and diluted and.. as xuE puts it, "tastes like uncooked yellow mee"~ haha.. Probably the only gD thing about it is the (surprisingly) tasty smoked salmon and mushroom scraps - by this i mean a few pieces which i can literally count with my hands.. lol~ >.<
In the end, not wanting to waste the $13.60 that i had to pay for, i resorted to dumping huge amounts of the cheese and chilli seasonings that were lying on the table. Even after that, it only tasted a little bit edible~ lol
It was a "new" dish as the menu had stated.. and apparently xuE and jf also said they had tried a "new" dessert which i have forgotten the name.. and it sucked as well~ lol. So the lesson which i have learnt from all this? - Never try the "new" stuffs! Regardless of where u are.. its best to just take the regulars or the "famous" ones.. and wait for ur friends to tell u if the "new" ones are any gD~ haha.. =X
Haha.. but apart from that, dinner was great~ esp in the company of all my gD friends~ which is more impt to mE~ =) After dinner~ We waited awhile for Fuji, Josephine & Martin to join us for the cake celebration~ Haha.. now the Swensons' staff will actually put on funny hats and sing biFdaY songs together with us~ as can be seen in the video which i have uploaded onto my multiply site - http://186cmkia.multiply.com
Of coz, having learnt my lesson, I toOk the effort to capture photos and videos! =D
All of it can be seen in my multiply site, which is a place i'll upload all my stuff from now on~ However, not any tom, dick or harry, anna, jane or mary can see.. only my friends can~ Dun wan to anyhow let strangers see la.. private stuff for friends & family only~ ;)
*jO . ai ai . yokE*
*fuji . aiying . josephine*
Finally, we headed to the mrt to leave for our homes~ We walked through the exact same path which mE and the 39 gang had "rushed" through after our HK cafe session~ haha~ Only this time, it was much slower and at a comfortable pace~ lol~
*xuE . aiying*
*mE & my Jie*
We toOk the train to Marina Bay so as to get seats.. and then i was suppose to stop at Cityhall again... but i didn't. I decided to stay on with my classmates and even had the intention of taking all the way to Yishun! (in which i would most certainly miss my last train back home =X) But that didn't bother me much.. to mE, spending time with my friends is all that matters and all i wish for.. nothing else mattered~ In that 'extra' time, i managed to take photos (again! =D) with some of them~ and i also managed to have a nice chat with jO as well~ =)
In the end, i was persuaded by xuE, jf and jO to stop @ Yio Chu Kang and quickly take the train back home~ haha.. but unfortunately for mE, the train back only ran till Toa Payoh~ Uh-oh~ haha.. no worries~ I had no choice but to take a cab home from Toa Payoh that cost me $9.75! Yikes.. >.<" Oh well.. as i told xuE via sms.. i hardly ever do this~ So once in a while is alright~ ;)
*HaPpy biFdaY Ai Ai~!!*
9:52 AM
Saturday, January 20, 2007,
Dad's biFdaY
HaPpy biFdaY dad~! :)
Today is my old man's biFdaY~ Was suppose to go crash NTU in the morning and check out yoke & peng's lectures.. but in the end i overslept and couldn't make it~ =lol~ oh well.. looks like i'll have to try next week~
So i stayed at home the whole day. Did some exercise in the afternoon while waiting for my dad to come home~ Mum made one of her exquisite dinners for dad (and us also.. automatic ma.. lol =P). She made her yummilicious chilli crabs and tiger prawns~ and topped it off with a nice side-dish salad which was complimented with her home-made mayO~ In a word, it was *Fanta-bulous*~ =)
Hope u liked ur dinner dad~ And thanks mum for the wonderful spread~
We had a cookies 'n' cream ice-cream cake from Swensons after that for dessert~ Very nice~ Cookies 'n' cream is my absolute favourite of all~ So i was glad they bought that~ haha =P
Gave dad his present which was a LAMY pen that he always used.. He lost his in the office so we decided upon that~ And he immediately saw right through the wrapping which i had done~ No fun.. haha =
He could recognise the rectangular-ish shape of the box.. "Aiya.. must be my LAMY pen.." haha.. i was like... "Nooo.. its.. something... else.." lol~ Failed attempt~
Well.. as long as he likes it thats all that really matters~ =)
*yuMmm.. cookies 'n' cream~ lol
oh dear.. the effects of unstyled hair @ home.. lol
-= Family =-
3:36 PM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007,
Lunch @ Country Mana
Sunday (14/01/2007):
Today met up with my bros - Fengkai & Jon.Chua (aka pang sai zua) ~ lol =P
Suppose to meet fengkai @ 1pm - Orchard mrt~ In the end i had to wait for him till about 1.30~ wah lau.. bro.. so late~ haha. But it was alright, at least there was a bookstore above one of the exits of orchard mrt (still within the mrt)~
Took a bus together (16 if i'm not wrong) to meet up with jon @ Great World City~ You know something? I realised that day that i've never ever been to that place b4~ o.O I guess it must be one of those areas which i hardly pass by~ haha
Pang sai zua said i've grown taller and bigger~ haha. Well apart from seeing my off in July last year, the last time we saw each other was in SAS~! So yea, its true i've become taller & bigger since wayyy back then~ lol~ Hmm.. i could put up a pic of myself during my sec. school days but... NAH! hahaha.. i looked absolutely horrible & geeky (as some would say.. >.<") Maybe if u asked me individually i might~ haha~ Then again it depends who's asking =P
As for Jon.Chua, he himself has grown slimmer (no more the cute chubby pang sai zua of last time~ hehe), taller and has a more matured voice now~! =)
We decided to have lunch @ Country Mana - a place which has very nice soups with pastry thingies covering the bowls~ *yuM~ Of coz the food there is nice as well... except for their new baked rice which i ordered... pls dun try it.. its quite bad compared to the baked rice of swensons for example~ We sat there and chatted for a long time, talking about stuffs from our past during our SAS days playing C&C Red Alert together (haha.. we laughed like hell from some of the things we did) to what we were doing now.. in universities etc~ I think the waiter must have refilled our glasses of water at least 8 times i think. hahaha~ Until we got abit paiseh and finally left the place. lol~
Jon.Chua would be flying back on Wednesday (17/01/2007)~
*Bon voyage bro~!*

jon . feng . mE

Fengkai said i toOk a bad photo (1st pic).. so he toOk this~ Eh bro.. its all focused on u la! wah lau... purposely one right? haha~
8:48 AM
Sunday, January 14, 2007,
Gathering @ Marina (HapPy biFdaY yoKe & ys!)
Saturday (13/01/2007):
Time for yet another 11-man gathering~! This time its @ Marina Bay~! =)
People involved are: ivan, teck, yoke, peng, yong sheng, yu sheng, zG, soh, weili, stan and mE~
Today's occasion is to celebrate the biFdaYs of yOke and yu sheng! *HapPy 22nd biFdaY guyz*~! lol~ lao liao.. cannot be so blur and c*** liao ok yu sheng? hahaha.. =X
We gave a 'Razer' mouse each to both of them~ I'm sure they loVed it~ haha =)
We headed to one of Marina Bay's numerous BBQ Steamboat restaurants~ When we arrived @ Marina Bay.. there were a few ppl trying to persuade us to try out their BBQ steamboat.. and one lady was quite persistent and strongly persuaded us to try her's out.. told us that she would give us discount since there were so many of us.. from $12 to $10 each.. plus a free van ride to the place~ Hmm.. the free ride was kinda tempting to us.. since the steamboat places were kinda far from the mrt. After a v.short discussion of "ok lo.. i dun mind", we decided.. what the heck.. no harm trying.. free ride somemore.. lol~ I mean.. what can they do to 11 guys?? haha. Anyway, the restaurant name is called "Pin Xian" or something like that.. Guys, dun go there~ lol~ A lil' advice from the 11 of us~
(L-R): ivan, mE, yoKe, zG, yu sheng, soh, stan, yong sheng, teck, penG (and weili the photographer)

Ultimately.. as i had expected.. the place and food wasn't all toO great~ The other places we tried b4 were much better~ Oh well.. at least now we know.. anyway got free ride to and fro~ haha. Best part is? - We actually made the effort to take pics and vidz this time la!! haha.. i guess we have learnt our lesson~ (p.s: thanks for the sms reminder ma sista~ haha.. though we had already started taking when u sms-ed ;) Nonetheless, thanks~)

*HapPy biFdaY yoKe*

*HapPy biFdaY to u toO yu sheng~*
After a semi-satisfying meal, we toOk the van (lol~) back to Marina Bay mrt~ From there we decided to sit down and chit chat @ a place called "Hongkong cafe" or something @ Marina Square~ Took the train to Cityhall mrt.. made our way through citylink and finally to Marina. Had to wait quite a while for them to clear a space for the 10 of us (peng left after a while). Meanwhile, we chatted about some stuff.. most of which was targeted at ivan. haha~ Teasing him about how we keep bumping into mao liang.. how he's in the same lecture as ivan.. lol~ As weili puts it.. "maybe he has some kinda platoon 1 sensor la.." lol~

Finally~ After getting a space @ the cafe, we proceeded to order some stuffs~ Surprisingly, they sell some pretty nice stuffs there~ Some of which are the "condensed milk with peanut butter toast" (which is damn nice.. heaps of super creamy & thick peanut butter poured onto a thick slice of toast~ *yuMmm.. lol) and the "Ying Yang" drink (which is a combination of coffee + tea~ *nice~) We also ordered 2 servings of some Mango ice-kachang like thing to share~ while stan ordered french toast which was huge as well lol~ A few other delectables were ordered as well~ You just have to go there! Yet another recommendation from mE~ ;)
What i love most about our gatherings is the conversations which we have~ Things about our past experiences together always never fails to make us burst into intense laughter or put a sincere smile on our faces~ Somehow, we can never get tired of talking about past 'baka' (usually done by zG or soh.. lol =X) stories or our days in camp.. the training and life back then~ There'll always be something to fall back on and remind us of the gD times~ =)
*Best pic of the day*
Again! We managed to take more photos and vidz! hahaha~ We've truly learnt from our numerous recurring mistakes~ lol~

*Bye bye~*
Finally we left the place @ around 11.30pm.. when we suddenly realised.. "eh.. today saturday hor?.. Last train is b4 12!! O.O" You can guess what came next.. *rush rush.. *quick shuffling of feets~ haha. We sorta fast-walked our way back through citylink and to Cityhall mrt~ Along the way.. yoke and soh were acting funny as usual~ 'Competing' with one another see who can fast-walk all the way to the mrt station.. haha~ And weili got it all down on video~ Too bad can't show it here~ The funny thing was.. Our rushing from here to there sorta 'spurred' other ppl to follow suit! hahaha~ its amazing what a huge group of ppl can do to the ppl around us~ People who were casually walking would suddenly follow us and rush for the train~ ahaha.. As if something bad was happening.. like we were running from something~ haha~ =P
"Strength in numbers" - How true~ lol~
Of coz~ We all managed to catch our respective last trains well b4 they arrived~ With the whole group of us together, you can always count on exciting things to happen both BETWEEN us as well as AROUND us! haha~
It's been a great evening out~ Another one to add to my pages of "Most memorable"~
6:56 PM
Saturday, January 13, 2007,
Carl's Junior is so passe~
Friday (12/01/2007):
Yay~~~~ My first and last week in camp!! lol~ Just came back from 39.. only been a week and i'm already damn sick of it.. its only coz i'm alone in there that makes it all soO different. If my all of us were still in there.. i wouldn't mind staying there for another week or so~ Seriously. Yea.. it sounds crazy to most ppl.. but thats how i feel. Honestly speaking.. while i was staying in camp for the past week.. esp during the nights.. i think back on all the great times we had in camp before. After dinner @ 1730.. we would rush back to our bunks either getting ready to play board games, carom.. etc. And of coz.. some night supper from the mess.. and lotsa chit chat after that~ Good times, good times indeed~ Like the commercial puts it.. "Priceless"~
As for why its my first and last week? Well.. by right i'm supposed to re-ORD on 11th Feb.. which is like in weeks.. but coz i still have 17 (yea! Seventeen!) days of leave left to clear (which i'm soOooO glad i have) so.. going by calculations.. i can start clearing by this coming week.. plus 2 more days.. which are my FFI check-up dates in which my DyS1 said i dun have to come back~ =D
Lucky mE~
Things that happened within the week in camp~ Had 2 night's off on Tuesday and Thursday in which i managed to meet up with some of the fellows~ How nice of them to meet up with mE~ =)
On Tuesday, met up with weili and we headed to Kovan to eat the famous 'ba-chor mee' and then played abit of lan @ the usual shop.. though it wasn't that fun anymore.. not all of us there i suppose~ Thanks willy~
On Thursday, there were slightly more ppl~ Weili, penG, yoke and mE~ 4 of us headed on to find 'Botak Jones' @ AMK Blk 608~ The famous place that sells greattttt western food~ Did i say greatt? I meant Fanta-bulous!! lol~It took us some time to find a cab to get there... it was pouring so heavily.. and we were kinda drenched... well i was... my shoe was soaked... =
Anyway, the foOd was absolutely deliciously.. delicious man! lol~ It beats the crap out of Carl's Junior and furthermore it was cheaper (usual coffeeshop prices)~! Great service toO man~ All the waiters/waitresses all got small microphones and standard uniforms.. plus got menu etc~ haha.. its like a mini restaurant IN a coffeeshop~ lol~ Definitely must go back there again~ I highly recommend it to everyone reading this~ Esp. if u like western food like mua~
In the words of Yoke - "Carl's Junior is so passe man!" (and he's now quite enthu about it liao~ haha~ that's yoKe for u~)
The 4 of us headed to AMK central where we had 1 game with other ppl b4 we had to call it a night (all thanks to mE.. coz had to book in by 2230... sorry guys~ =\). Nonetheless, thanks for taking the effort to come meet mE during my night's off~ Its really nice of u guys and i really appreciate it~ ;)
Oh ya~ I also met a sec school friend of mine @ Seletar camp! Budi budi! haha.. Budiman~ Geez.. its been soOo damn long since i last saw him in SAS~ I was going out of seletar for my tuesday night's off.. when i bumped into him. I thought he looked familiar from afar and true enough.. it was him! haha~ And he still remembers my name sia! Powerrrr~ "Kelvin!" - "eh Budiman!" haha~ But damn he's changed quite abit.. he used to be thin and a very active soccer player in SAS.. now he's kinda slightly plump~ Put on abit of weight liao~ Nonetheless, he's still the cheerful budiman i know~ haha. *cheers man~
Managed to meet a few 'long-lost' ppl lately~ The fates must be smiling on mE.
3:25 PM
Monday, January 08, 2007,
Surprise Meet
Friday (05/01/2007):
Today's the day.. of RE-enlistment for mE~ zZz.. Time for mE to re-pay what i owe to the army - 1 month of disruption.. actually its 38 days. I just hope i still have my 14 days of leave left to clear.. then that would mean only 24 days left.. taking away the weekends.. its only about 2 weeks~! That's a whole WORLD of a difference la... Nathan! I'm counting on u to help mE check! Thx! lol..
The bad thing is... i still have to STAY-IN! zZz... oh well.. as weili puts it.. "at least u save money on transportation..".. which is v.true actually.. but then again.. for the sake of sleeping in my own CLEAN bed etc.. probably is worth the price. Not to mention.. my time here in Sg is limited.. =
Oh ya.. i'm doing more or less clerical work in S1's office.. helping out the other clerks like Ming Ren, Joshua, Nathan and Terrence. All of which are nice ppl~ I mean.. it was only the first day and already i know all of them.. and we can talk and get along pretty well toO~ I guess that's what clerks do. lol~
And as if it couldn't get any worse.. i'm officially involved in my unit's MOB MANNING! TRIPLE KILL~!! lol.. Just got a recorded msg from Mindef this morning telling me that my mob manning period was from Jan 30th - Feb 6th. "Press 1 to acknowledge this msg.." - i was so tempted to just hang up the phone.. lol~ So fast and they include mE into their system already... >.<"
Saturday (06/01/2007):
An extremely pleasant thing happened today while i was out with the guys in the evening~ We were at Bugis @ a coffeeshop that sells nice Bak-ku-teh~ And guess who i saw??? I've not seen her for like almost 5 - 6 years already! And have tried to contact her for quite some time.. but to no avail. It was Mrs Low Geok Peng~ My Sec 3 - 4 form + physics teacher! She's the one in SAS who inspired mE alot and i had and still have alot of respect for her~ A pleasant teacher who has and IS still very patient in listening to all our woes and problems~ I remember the days back then when i would talk to her after school about some stuffs that was troubling mE.. and sometimes she would even initiate and come and talk to mE~ She's someone who truly cares deeply for her students and to me, she's indeed one of the rare teachers who actually cares about us even after we have graduated from the school... and still has our contacts! (just as we still have hers!) =D
How did we meet each other? Apparently she was already eating at the coffeeshop when the gang and i entered the coffeeshop looking for tables~ But i had not noticed her.. and she wasn't toO sure if it was mE (so she didn't dare approach me.. furthermore i was in a big group).. haha. She said i have changed alot.. taller.. more 'bigger'.. hair change. haha~
So when we finally found space to sit down.. i suddenly received an sms from her (which i was very pleasantly surprised to have received) which said, "Hi, are you in town? I saw someone who resembles you". I immediately replied, "Mrs Low!! Omg. I tot u changed number already~ Nope. I'm now at Bugis. How are u?" After replying, i suddenly felt like something was amiss.. and instinctively (like as if some higher power had induced me) i turned my head around.. and there she was with her family~ I was stunned (for about 3 sec.. lol) and waved my hand with a smile~ Then started to go over to her table.. where i stood there stunned for another sec. She still looked as young as ever to mE~ And her 2 kids had already grown up~ They had just finished their own bak-ku-teh dinner~ lol~ Mr Low took the 2 kids and their maid to the playground to entertain the kids.. leaving me and Mrs Low to sit down and chat for some time~ I kept telling her that i was so glad to finally see her after soO long.. and that i was happy. She's still teaching in SAS.. and i told her i'd visit her at least once b4 i flew back to Perth~
After our lil' conversation, she went to join back her family to go to Bugis Junction (and not J8 as pointed out to me by weili.. who keeps correcting me that the two are different.. haha. i'm such a baka..) to entertain the kids.. while i joined the guys once more. After that.. the food tasted extra delicious to mE.. haha.. and the rest of the evening just felt great to mE~ =)
After dinner.. the 8 of us - ivan, teck, stan, yap, soh, zG, weili and i, went over to Bugis Junction ourselves to walk walk.. and we stopped by Action City where zG showed another one of his famous BAKA-ness! hahaha. The shop has this 'Dancing potatoe chips bag' where u snap ur fingers and it will dance. zG said he couldn't snap.. so what did he do?? .. He put his face close to the toy and shouted a soft "Oii !" hahaha! It was damn hilarious la! I mean.. even the gal shop attendent had to turn around and burst out laughing as well la! hahaha... omG! It was just another classic 'baka' moment for zG~ lol. Some things just never change~ XD
Aiyo.. another incident happened which only mE.. stan and yap saw. >.<" I'm even embarrassed to say this la... but basically.. u know upskirt? ya.. u get the drift.
How it happened? Well.. we were taking the escalator up and there were 2 gals further in front of us.. One of them was really tall and well.. was wearing those really short 'hot pants'. Obviously.. she wasn't careful.. and.. well.. her height (long legs lo).. plus 'hot pants' and the fact that we were taking an ascending escalator and she was infront of us... well... ya.. it happened in an innocent glance... o.o"
Oh ya.. we also tried some of that Japanese ice-cream.. forgot what its called liao.. but i had the popular 'Green-tea' flavour. Suppose to relieve stress.. etc etc. Very low in fat.. or was it.. none?
What an evening it had been~ Especially when i finally met Mrs Low~ =)
7:02 AM
Friday, January 05, 2007,
An Evening with jO
I personally had a great time with jO today when we met up~ More so during the dinner @ Sakae Sushi @ Heeren's one~
Before that, we originally were suppose to meet @ 3pm - Orchard mrt. But she suddenly msged me at 12.45pm (and i was still half-asleep from the shack-ness of the day b4 @ weili's) asking to change to 4.30pm.. which i learnt later from her that it was becoz she wanted to watch her show... o.O.. haha. Its alright~
We went to kino @ Taka for jO to check out her second-parter to one of her novels which she couldn't find.. not out yet~ I took the opportunity also check out a lil' booklet called "Japanese Phrasebook" by Lonely Planet. haha.. yup~ A jap phrasebook (which was recommended by my mum who is using the korean version) which helps to teach simple basic jap phrases.. words.. conversational skillz.. etc~ Would come in handy since i have the interest in the language~ =)
We then toOk a stroll within Taka.. but i was mostly more interested in what we had to say and talk about~ Soon after i suggested going to HMV coz i wanted to check out (for myself and stan toO) if they sold Erika's album "Taiyou No Uta".. which they didn't.. =\ ..Had to make an order which would arrive in 3 - 4 weeks and cost $28.. (i think not very worth it stan~ lol) "man man deng ba" (u know what i mean) ~ haha
jO also bought Rain's latest album "Rain's World" for one of her vietnamese friend~
Haiyo.. but we were quite suay lo.. just as we wanted to go HMV.. after stepping out from the escalator of Taka.. we were confronted by a blur view of orchard road... *crash.. *splatter (no.. not car accident or the splatter of blood.. lol) caused by HEAVY DOWNPOUR~!! It just came out of nowhere.. And it just so happened both of us had decided to leave our trusty umbrellas @ home~ >.<"
No choice~ We entered Taka main shopping mall and they were selling cheap umbrellas going from $3.90 - $15~ Naturally we decided to take the cheaper one. Haha.. for short while only ma~ A simple green (chosen by jO) transparent one that cost me a mere $3.90~ Unfortunately, the umbrella was not big enough for 2.. probably only 1 half.. lol~ So i got my right side wet.. haha.. oh well.. nVm one~ jO not drenched can liao ;)
Upon arriving @ Heeren's, we went to HMV, as mentioned.. and then jO told me of a new Korean shop down @ Cineleisure~ So i decided to go take a loOk.. nice korean stuff there.. but i was quite blur there~ lol
Finally, dinner was @ Sakae Sushi back again @ Heeren's~ I ordered some Katsu-Don~(as always lol), jO ordered an Unagi set~ I also toOk a plate of Hana Maki to let jO try~ (recommended by weili~ which thanks to u.. its now one of my fav. stuffs there haha). Its like sashimi wrapped around rice topped with some mayo and small orange fish eggs~ *yuM yuMMmmm~ =D~~~~
I also toOk another plate of those small sweet prawn sushi (aiya... forgot the name liao...) to let jO try try~ Another one of my fav. sushis... yuMmm.. The best part of the whole meeting was our conversations throughout the entire dinner.. even after we had finished~ All the way from 6 plus to around 9.30pm~ lol~
We talked over many things~ From past JC 'encounters' and love-interests to our ideal future partners.. what we expect in a guy/gal etc etc.. Many things we talked about~ I'm glad we could have the opportunity to share our thoughts and stories~ I also learnt quite a few things about jO which i didn't know~ and i'm quite sure she did from mE toO~ ;)
Thanks for the evening jO~
P.S: However.. there was one thing that kinda made me disappointed after everything was over... I FORGOT TO TAKE PICTURES AGAIN~!!! OMG~ i couldn't believe i would forget again lo! I tell u.. i'm not very fated to take photos lo... sigh.. from army buds to close friends... it always slips my mind.. lol... >.<
"Next time ba.."
3:38 PM
Thursday, January 04, 2007,
Hair Cut
Now at weili's house... has been a very very tiring day/night... Roll call: Yoke (check~), Yu Sheng (check~), Weili (check~) and myself (check-O~).
Its now 2.33am on Thursday.. and i'm still at weili's house with the rest..~ Feeling very exhausted now... so i'll make this very short~
Wednesday afternoon, met up with Weili and Yoke to go have a hair cut at weili's hair-dresser salon~ I was attended to by Rain again, while their hairs were done by Sally~ I still prefer Rain because of her strong arms (massage during hair wash la.. lol)~ haha~
Went over to weili's house after a nice lunch @ Express Teppanyaki @ Tampines Mall~
Going to meet jOanna at 3pm @ Orchard mrt this afternoon~ Going to walk abit.. do some catching over coffee and dinner after that~ Hope it turns out well~
Wa... gotta go home and sleep soOnz... shack liao.. lol~ >.< `keLvin
6:42 PM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007,
Time is now 5.10pm~ Have to prepare to go for a dinner with my family and relatives at around 6pm~
Just woke up at about 4.30pm.. which started at 8.20am~ Had a stay-over (or 'tuang' as they call it) over at weili's place with some of the others to celebrate the 'countdown' and usher in the new year~
There were about 9 of us in total yesterday - 'I-vaN the man', enthu yoke, ys, mE, weili (duh..), stan, yap, soh and zG~ Plus gaB who popped over for awhile~
Weili picked mE, yap, soh and ivan in the early afternoon where we proceeded to have lunch at a nearby coffee shop at his place.. Soon after we got to his house, where suddenly ivan had to go meet his gf~ (to watch the fireworks @ the esplanade.. and that lasted till 12am or so.. >.<) Was kinda a last min thing from his gf.. but i understand and i'm sure the rest as well~ 'Duty calls!' as i put it. lol~At least he came back to join us after that. haha~ That's the spirit~ lol
Lots of gaming @ weili's which was accompanied by the screening of "A Song to the Sun" (jap drama starring the lovable & cute - Erika Sawajiri~) which i had brought over for them to watch~ We actually finished all 10 episodes of it throughout the entire day/night~ Nice~
Dammit.. trying to find the songs she sang on the drama.. but seems to be no where in sight. :(
Our dinner was settled with some Pizzas from Pizza Hut and KFC as well~ That we had to buy ourselves from the nearby market since the phone orders were 'saturated' as the operator had stated. Finally got all the food done by 9-ish pm~
We all tuang-ed till about 6am.. where finally we decided to wrap it up, packed up our stuff and headed to Mac-D's for our breakfast~ By that time, all of us were totally 'seh'.. appearing as if we had toO much to drink.. which we didn't. lol~ It reminded us of our guard duty days in camp.. almost the exact same feeling.. with the gapping exception that we weren't in stinky uniform and slinging our rifles and donning our SBOs. haha.. >.<
In my opinion, the breakfast @ Mac-D's was probably the best part of the gathering. It was probably partly due to us being 'seh' which led to us talking about many of our past events.. might i add.. interesting events that we had experienced in camp. We talked many things ranging from Yu chEeee to David Yap~ >.<" Haha.. we all had our fix of gD laughs which was abit overdosed at times~ haha~ Things that we will all remember forever and ever.. till the end of time. Ahh.. those memorable days.. Those which make us miss the days in 39..
Stan kindly offered to drive mE and zG home after our breakfast gathering which lasted till around 7-ish.. Thanks bro~
Aiya.. the only thing which we failed to (remember) do was to take group pix together!! zZzzz... we keep forgetting about it.. always get distracted and get too involved in whatever we're doing like talking.. that it conveniently slips our minds... lol~ Oh well.. as we always say.. "Next time ba"~
9:37 AM