xreBornx ~ Double Persona.
Thursday, June 21, 2007,

Returns a King

Returns a King~ (that's a theme from "300"... no pun intended.) haha =P

In exactly 12 hrs from now.. I should be at the Perth International Airport, checking in my baggage and stuff~ whoO~

This time round.. apart from Hafiz.. I'm going back with 2 other Sg friends i got to know here - Evette and Weiling~

I suppose this shall be the last post from Australia for the next 5 weeks?
Lucky for fiz and mE.. Evette's friend, Calline (hope its spelt correctly lol) will be driving us to the airport as well~ wheE.. save the trouble of calling a cab.

Oh yes.. one impt thing i haven't officially mentioned.... EXAMS HAVE CONCLUDED~!!! HAHA.

There.. that sounds much better. lol

I feel more confident with the exams this time round.. Am sooO loOking forward to the results! BRING IT! =D

That aside, fiz and mE toOk a trip down to Fremantle on Saturday. He had to purchase some Coffee Beans for this mum.... or wait.. my mistake... Let me re-phrase that - He had to purchase HEAPSSSSSSSSSSSS of Coffee Beans for his mum. AUS$250 (24 bags of 125g each = 3.5kg!), to be exact! JEEzzZzz.... I have no idea why she needs soOo much. Maybe as gifts or something. But damn... u should see how stunned the shop lady was when we said we need MORE. haha..

O.O""" <--- something like that. lol~

.: I'm sorry dear.. its fiz's fault.. not mine. lol~ :.

.: soO many flavours of Beans :.

.: Le' Coffee Connection @ Fremantle :.

.: Yup.. that's all 24 bags of 'em.. o.O" :.

Some pics of the shop... and the shop lady~ And of coz.. whenever we made a trip to Fremantle.. naturally, we HAVE TO eat at Cicerallo's! "Customer's say we have the World's Best Fish & Chips".. so they claim. But yea it is gD, definitely. Not to mention.. we shared a big bowl of Chilli Mussels toO! You can't get these in Sg i reckon~ lol =D~~~

.: 2 Fish & Chips and a Bowl of Chilli Mussels~! *yuMmm :.

.: *Burrrp* :.

Oh ya... though this occured weeks ago... I've only time to rant now..... EMMA IS OUT?!??!?!??! WHY???? Is Australia blind or just... jealous??? hahaha~!
I know most of u are going ... "Huh?" Well.. Emma is (was) one of the housemates of the "Big Brother" reality show. I love her coz she's "real".. says it as it is.. speaks her mind.. a pretty face.. and is just bloody hot. haha~ ;)

Oh and the EM201 paper was just toO easy.... I felt so.. cheated... does not equate the amount of time i put into it. But oh well... IT WAS GREATTTT~!! haha.. I'm not complaining. lol~

*Farewell Aussie-land... and "Welcome to Singapore." (sound familiar? lol)

~ "Coz I'm leavin' on a jet plane....".. and I sure as hell do not wish to be back here again... but I have to, unfortunately.



4:30 PM

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Saturday, June 16, 2007,

Victory is at hand

whoO~ 4 papers done, only 1 remain! And the best part is? All 4 have been excellent so far! whoO-hoO~ =D

God has been kind to mE this time round~ =)
Even the module which I feared the most (FDD 201) turned out to be like 10 times better than I had expected~ *sweeeeet~

Home is only a stone's throw away.. well... 6 stones (days) to be exact. =D
Can't wait to see the folks.
Can't wait to see the peeps.
Can't wait to see ma bRudDers~
Can't wait to see.............

T R A N S F O R M E R S~!!!!!! ~ HAHAHA

But seriously.. the first thing I'll do when I get back is to... CUT MY HAIR! Omg... its the longest (and thickest) its ever been! Even more than back during my JC days~ o.O"
Should I dye/highlight my hair again? Hmm.. still deciding.

Oh there are a few things that happened recently~ 1 pissed-off bad one.. and the others more pleasant~

Pissed-Off bad one: ~ Whilst studying at the engineering common room last sunday.... a CHEWING GUM PIECE (from goD knows how long ago!) GOT STUCK ON MY TROUSERS!!! How did it get there? Well..... being slightly tall and having long legs.. its more convenient for me to fold my legs under the table.. And the next thing i know... i have GUM STUCK on mE!! It was soOOooooo inconsiderately "stick-ed" under the table! I loOked under and saw a few others!! JEEEzzzz..... what shit luck.

Naturally.. the first words that came out of my mouth weren't toO pleasant at all. All I knew was I was feeling an intense RAGE building up inside mE.... and to top it off, I was in the midst of studying for my exams. How nice.
Nevertheless.. I tried my best (almost 20min) trying to clean it off. The one thing about gum.... it gets stuck in between the lil' threadings of ur clothes! So.... it toOk awhile... and yet it still couldn't be 100% clean. Yucks...

On a lighter note, I saw a GORGEOUS Red MAZDA RX-8 sitting outside the house opposite mine! OMG. It was just wednesday.. and I was returning from my Maths 277 paper.. when suddenly... something so beautiful caught my eye~ Its my current dream-car btw. Well.. they say a picture tells a thousand words. So.. here u go~

. Such a beauty .
( aiya.. my blog toO narrow.. cuts off the back.. =\ )

Oh yes~ A shout-out to my bros who just finished their ICT (reservist) today. Though it was only 4 days.... but they sure as hell went through ALOT. Some of the "activities" included.. 2 IPPTs.. 2km Mask Run.. 4km MOPP-4 route march... oh and they had to cut their hair as well..... =\

*a toast to u guys~ Wish I could've been there to suffer with u guys, seriously. We've always been through the gD times.. and the shit times. Its saD (for mE) that I couldn't be there to join u guys. =\


I just hope that when I do commence my reservist.. I can still join u guys.... though I have a feeling I'll be put into a different batch. Sigh.... all becoz I'm studying abroad... =\

Well.. I'll update more after my last paper on monday! Can't wait for that day~ =D
Going to Fremantle with fiz tmrw~ Cicerello's FISH & CHIPS! whoO! lol~

Until then~ *cheers guys~


2:43 PM

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Saturday, June 09, 2007,

Time to.. Transform?

I've seen ALL the theatrical and teaser trailers and I have only 2 words for it...

Bloody Awesome

Haha.. I'd use another descriptive word for that but... I like to keep it "clean and fun" here. hahaha~ =)

Omg. I can't wait for it~!!!!!!!!! =DDD

Okie.. Just felt like having this random post.... Gonna zZz now... another long study day today... Gotta wake up early and hit the books. *ciao for now~

*psst~ The current track in my playlist is the Transformers Movie Theme. Apparently its by a band called "Mutemath".... o.O" .. Never heard of in my life. But.. sounds not toO bad, a nice remake of the ole' theme from the cartoon. =)


3:28 PM

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Saturday, June 02, 2007,

Ending of another Semester

Haha.. sorry melia for the late update~! lol~ =P

Ya lo.. just ended my semester today.. been busy for the week. One study week ahead.. bringing forth the EXAMS soOn after! To be honest.. I'm not so afraid for this semester's exams.. I must say for some reason or other, I've been more consistent in my work as compared to last year's (probably coz many ppl have scared mE by telling mE that 2nd year onwards is v.different... which it has been.) and of coz.. due to the exam tips which were graciously given to us by some of the lecturers~ lol.

...Except for one particular subject, which up to now.. am still unable to understand many concepts. - Foundations of Digital Design 201. Those doing similar courses to mE would understand what that is.... a nightmare it can be, if you let it "drag" on through the semester.. =\
(Its the unit where I had posted up a picture of the circuit board, which Tuan and mE fixed up, in a previous post. =\ )

Nonetheless.. work towards it, I shall~

Ooh.. I finally received my "Golden Key" certificate yesterday~ =D
Think I'll bring it home this June to laminate it nicely and file it up~ Hehe.. =)
A small academic accomplishment of mine~ (Something which doesn't come often?)

Haha.. melia has sorta beckoned mE to revisit the Maple world if I have the timE~ Well... I probably might do so during my 1 month break.. whenever I'm not out having fun that is. =)
I'll let u know~!

So saD.. the season finale of Heroes just ended last week... now, I don't have any serials to loOk forward to each week (no more Heroes and Prison Break for now~ =( ). But thank goD I still have my Bleach and Death Note to loOk forward to~! =D
2nd season of Heroes loOks to be quite promising.

Planning to take this weekend off from studying and relax abit before switching the gears to over-drive next week~ Was suppose to catch Pirates 3 tmrw (Sat) and head on to Fremantle on Sunday.. But coz Hafiz has to submit a lab assignment on Wednesday... so we most probably won't make the trip to Fremantle~ Oh well... another time then.

I've heard all sorts of reviews for this third instalment of Pirates~ But so far.. its mostly been towards the down side. And as I've told my sister.. they don't affect my perception or anticipation towards the film. Come tmrw.. I shall see it for myself and be the judge of it~

Very soOn... only less than 3 weeks... and I'll be tasting the sights, sounds (and foOd? - Char kueh + Char kuey teow w/ lotsa chilli pls. LoL~) of my one, true *home*~ And basking in the company of my friends and family~ =)

As usual, I can't wait..

Something for mE to loOk forward to...
Something which I must do...
Something which could affect the way things are for mE...

Something... or nothing?~

*p.s~ I know this is quite an old song by Shania Twain.. but for some reason.. its been stuck in my head for the past few days... And I think its a lovely song~ "From this Moment On"

~I think she's a gD singer btw..~

*~ "I just swear.. that I'll always be there.
I'd give anything and everything. And I'll always care.
Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow..
For better or for worse, I will love you
- with every beat of my heart~" ~*


2:44 PM

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