xreBornx ~ Double Persona.
Monday, May 21, 2007,


First of, my apologies for the lack of posts lately~ Well.. its nearing the end of my semester once again, and as always, it's the "rush-time" or "crucial bit"~ Many assignments to touch up (which I've learnt to start early on.. yay~), test/quizzes to study for.. Labs (probably the most annoying thing to mE at the moment. lol~) and of coz... the coming EXAMS~

I try my best to make it a habit of at least a post, a week~

Now, for the main bit... Unfortunately, this week I seem to have more frustrations to vent on.. and more rantings to express~ So.. pls forgive mE.

Straight to the point. - I'm sick and utterly disgusted by "some" of the "friends" or people around mE~ People whom I've come to realise are just a bunch of "leeches" as I call them... ppl whom, quite obviously, are there to suck the living daylights out of ur "blood, sweat and tears"..

Of coz, there are different types of ppl around... But its the first timE I've actually seen such ppl whom are supposedly "friends" of mine~ People who come to you and "suddenly" become v.friendly during certain "crucial" periods... An example? - Oh i dunno... how about.. during the days just b4 submission of assignments? Suddenly u get a lil' more care & concern from them.. "heY kelvin~! how are you man?........ say.... have you finished your assignment?..... Oh you have? Thats good...... hmm... do you know how to do Qn 2?... *check check*.. hmm.. i think my other questions are wrong toO (coincidentally)..... can i take a look?..." - If you wanna copy mine.. just say it...... and let me reply "NO. BUGGER OFF."

Jeez.... but that's not the worst. The worst kinds... are those who actually BLATANTLY copy and.. *goD-forbid* - CHEAT during tests!! Bloody hey.... absolutely disgusts mE.... ESP when they are ur "friends"~! I mean... okie.. if u copy abit during assignments its still kinda acceptable (between friends).. but its certainly UNACCEPTABLE during friggin' TESTS/EXAMS man! Jeez.......

I do not wish to mention names.... or name. But all I want to say is... As a friend of yours... I'm absolutely disappointed in your actions... which totally and utterly disgusts mE... esp when it is CONSTANTLY done every single week! To mE, its all about your self INTEGRITY~ Yes, I know marks and grades are hell important.. but pls.. i dun think its worth sacrificing ur integrity and image of yourself and towards others... esp your friends!...

Initially... he (ok.. its a guy) nudges mE and kindly asks for help during the first few tests... Being his "friend", I helped... but over the weeks.. I've grown to become v.uncomfortable and pissed off with the whole "do-you-know-how-to-do" crap every single week. Its as gD as saying "can let me copy?". As such, I think he got the picture and how I felt towards it... so he has stopped asking mE during the tests.. (thank goD..).. BUT.. that doesn't stop him from asking others now does it?? .....

The most recent one last week really put mE off.... "Alright guys.. time's up." - says my lecturer. "Friend" - *quickly turns around to another friend*.. "heY, do you know how to find this value???.... Its really like this?? *frantically copies*... okie thanks!.."

Bloody hey.... if u were in my position, i think u'd all know how I feel.. - Disgusted. And he can still have the bloody cheek to act calm and chit chat during the remaining lecture... disturbing the hell out of some of us... yours truly included.. But that's another story.

And though I cringe at the thought of him getting "higher marks" than mE... its alright. Coz in the end... during the final exam.. he's not gonna have even a second to ask anyone around him! No one's gonna help. No one's gonna bother.

He knows that I despise him now. It seems he has a habit of "referring" to ppl's work.. that I've come to find out. So its not surprising that we (actually its just mE who doesn't wish to speak or even LOOK at him) hardly exchange words anymore. All for the better.

*Breathes-in*.. Well.. enough of my rantings.. I'm sorry for having u guys to read that chunk of nonsense. But, I just felt I had to expel it somewhere~ lol~ =X

But come to think of it... (I'm not trying to boast, talk big or whatsoever..) but to be honest, its the first time in my academic life where ppl actually come to mE for help and advice~! This includes ppl who sincerely ask mE to explain certain concepts etc..

Why do I say this? - Simply because.. during my JC days and b4.. I have always been the one to ask my other classmates for help... becoz I was a poor student... becoz I could not focus well.. becoz my thinking was still immature back then... I did not really think of the consequences nor what my future holds. Thus.. I did poorly.. I fell.. and to mE.. I failed.

But, ever since i started my uni term.. plus the fact that I'm placed in a foreign place.. with my parents spending heaps just so I could have the chance to further my studies again... the way I think now... and of coz, the constant encouragements from friends & family.. that I've come to understand the importance of many things.. things which had never ever crossed my mind b4 in JC. The consequences.. the pitfalls.. the prospects before mE.. the scent of accomplishment. All that.

It has made mE realise the potential which I possess. Dare I say, I've learnt to be more disciplined and focused - academically. I've learnt how to put my full attention on the lecturer etc..

And I must say... I've learnt from the best. In the past.. I would seek the help of (now I shall mention names.. for this is a gD thing~ lol) Jiansheng.. jOanna.. Aiying.. Yoke Lim.. and some others~ They have always performed well in most instances.. able to grasp most concepts.. and have the discipline to focus when it is time to~ I must say.. I did, and still do admire them~

I learn from the Best. =)

Thanks guys~

One other thing.
You know.. being in a foreign place.. and not having all ur close friends & family around.. its really nice to receive lil' words of concern from them once in a while~ And that was exactly what a friend of mine did 2 nights ago. Usually, I'm the one who sends lil' SMS-es to some of my friends, at times. But its nice to actually receive some from them as well~ =)

*Thanks jO~ ;)

"..The only lead we have is this sound... *wheeee-weee-weee* (transform).." - haha.. most of u probably won't know what this is. Hint: underlined word.



2:11 PM

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Monday, May 07, 2007,


What more do I have to say?
She needs no introduction~
I mean.. look around u.. she's everywhere! haha~

You just have to get this album~ This is my Mika's 4th real album~ (By "real", I mean its a full album.. not including compilations, "Best-Of's" or soundtracks such as "NANA")

It boasts a diverse range of 14 tracks~ Each has their own unique genre so to speak.. From tracks such as "Mienai Hoshi" which is said to be the new mega hit of "Yuki No Hana"~ And some "jazz-induced" tunes as well such as, "All Hands Together"~
Oh, not to mention she actually sang 2 completely English songs as well~! - "Joy" and "What a Wonderful World" (yup.. that ole' classic song).
To be honest, I myself was kinda skeptical and worried that it wouldn't be toO gD.. but she pulled through well and washed away whatever lil' doubts i had~

She was fantastic.

Nothing much needs to be said really~ Its just a super album and I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone (duh~) lol~

My rating?.. haha.. Need I even mention it? Nonetheless - 10 out of 5 stars. (whoOps~ toO much?)
RofL~ =D

The first track, "I Love You" is being played on my imeen player~ Currently, that's my fav. track~ *Enjoy~ =D

*psst~: oh, i FINALLY got my CD parcel last Thursday la.. thats why I can only review her album now. (Actually.. it arrived l o n g ago.. since April 3rd!!.. but that's toO long (and boring) a story..)

"..Everyone say YES.."


3:22 PM

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Sunday, May 06, 2007,

Le' Premiere - Part 2

I shan't dabble on the stresses of school work right now.. coz if i did.. then this post would go on forever.. lol~ But one thing which was absolutely, fantastically-crazy was the FDD lab that I had last monday.. We had to design a "counter" using the concepts of Sequential Circuits etc.. The schematics and all were fine.... till it came to the part of "implementation to the prototyping board"...

..Lets just say... it seemed almost humanly impossible. lol~ >.<"
I took the liberty of taking a quick pic of the end result (which did not work properly btw.. despite the tireless efforts of Tuan and mE..)
Let me show u what i mean...

. Not close-up enough for you? .

. Just the wiring alone can drive u crazy.. And they call this technology.. lol .


On a lighter note, I received a letter from my uni yesterday.. At first, i thought it was just another notice to participate in events or something... But after opening it.. I realised.. i was MORE than that~ o.O

Apparently.. I am in the Top 15% of my university.. based on my results from last year~ O.O
This was something I absolutely did NOT see coming... nor had I even thought of it~
My first reaction? - "You gotta be joking... Is this fer' real?.." LoL~

As such, they had also enclosed a brochure on the "Golden Key International Honour Society".. together with a membership application form~ ..Double O.O"

I read the brochure.. letters and checked the website.. and apparently this "Golden Key" is an internationally recognised academic honour society (for US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, South Africa and United Arab Emirates) that recognises students who are within the Top 15% of their colleges or universities and invites them to join this society.

To be honest, I've never ever heard of this society before.. but it seems to be genuine and pretty well-established~ And as they had mentioned as well (which i agree with..), it would look gD in your CV in future~ Membership costs AUS$93.50 , but its only a one-off payment~

I spoke and discussed with my mum.. and she agrees that it's well worth the money.. coz apart from being "recognised" (so to speak..).. there are many more benefits which they provide such as having scholarships and awards etc..

Honestly, I was quite taken aback by this notification.. but at the same time.. I was happy and excited.. especially so because I could make my mum and dad proud of mE. And this was something which I did not think would ever happen to mE~ =)

First time I have been, so-called, "recognised" for my academic achievements~ =D

It seemed I only started to really wanna study properly when I entered uni... I guess I had tasted the bitterness of "failing to do well" in my JC... which prevented mE from getting into our local uni-s... which might not be a bad thing after all... seeing as how I managed to finally gather the discipline and motivation to wanna do well and study hard~

Oh yes. For those who haven't watched Spiderman 3.. I have just one thing to say b4 u do - To mE.. i felt it was quite a disappointment.. i was actually kinda bored throughout the first 1.5hrs of the 2.5hrs of the movie... =\ I just felt that it was kinda slow, draggy and abit "mundane" during the first parts of the show.. the only exciting part was probably the end fight... (i shan't disclose toO much for fear of being a "spoiler".. lol~).

My rating? - 3 out of 5 stars.

I'm soO looking forward to the Transformers movie~ jeEz.. the trailer was really coOL~ Can't wait to see how the end product loOks like~ =D

Oh and not to mention Pirates and Fantastic 4 toO (only becoz the Silver Surfer is in it!... okok... and maybe Alba? haha =P )



2:44 PM

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Season Premiere - Part 1

haha.. i guess u could call it the opening of the "New Season" for my blog.. like the returning season of a hit tv series~ rofl~! My sincerest apologies to all my avid readers.. most notably my sister. haha~ I've decided to make this a two-part Season Premiere~ lol

I have been very tied-up and extra-emely busy with my mid-sem exams and labs etc.. The whole week had been busy since monday.. preparation and touching up of my EC lab reports.. studying and cramping 3 months of EC tutorial within the time span of 2 days.. haha.. thus the immense fatigue that followed after Wednesday night..

Well, now I'm pretty psyched to get down to boGgling~
Many things have happened since my last post on 19th April~ But.. I guess I'll just highlight the more notable and interesting or things-that-caught-my-attention-cum-might-have-pissed-mE-off.. thingys.. =D

One of them would definitely have to be the surprise biFdaY dinner which my friends/former Year 1 classmates gave mE~
That happened on the night of April 24th @ Sizzlers in Riverton~ Since the next day was Anzac Day and a public holiday.. my peeps decided to have a celebration dinner on the night b4~ My "mei" picked mE up and we drove to the place at about 7.30pm~ Oh.. i had just finished my EM201 paper at 6pm btw... so was kinda shacked up~ haha... T'was time for a nice scrumptous dinner treat~

. Guess who toOk this?.. That's right.. leave it to the one with the l o n g e s t arms.. haha .

When we arrived, winnnny was already standing at the entrance waiting for us.. and whilst i was in the car.. i noticed zhao ying was holding a cake on her lap.. (for mE perhaps? haha.. u'd think so). The 3 of us went in and jeez.. there was a l o n g queue already~ Shortly afterwards, the rest came - Bido, peGgy, Evette~ We had some chit chat.. while standing in line and as usual cameras started popping out from everyone's pockets.. it was kinda like an instantaneous thing~ haha. Put up some of the pics~ (still haven't got those from winnnny! =\ )

. Introducing: Evette (eh..where u loOking?) . Bido . my "mei" (zy) . mE . winnnny . peGs .

The remaining two guests finally reached the place - John, Tuan~ and a few more photos were taken after Tuan whipped out his camera~ haha

. Hmm.. lucky mE? hahaha.. =P (they came to mE btw.. haha! =X) .

Finally ordered our food, got a table and settled down nicely at around 8.30pm~ Yummy yummys awaited us and we got started on the "buffet-style" salad bar while waiting for our main courses~ I had a "Sizzling steak with button mushrooms, chips and a savoury pepper sauce"~ "Medium-ly" done for mE thank you~

. Eee.. why so dark & blur.. forgot whose cam was it. lol~ That's Tuan on the left .

Lotsa chat and chow between the 8 of us~.. till finally it was time for the cake. It was thoughtful of my "mei" (zhaO yinG) to get a cake for mE in the afternoon~ A Black Forrest cake. Nice and yummilicious~ haha~ And i loVed the huge "2 2" candles that went with it~ Never had "Numerical" candles before.. haha~ As usual, they demanded mE to take out the candles with my mouth... haha.. seems to be quite the tradition~ Of coz.. i hesistantly obliged.

. Those "2 2" candles and the gift card! =) .

Oh and they even gave mE a $100 Gift card voucher to shop at "City Beach"~ whoO~ Thanks guys~ =D

I absolutely enjoyed every single moment of that night~ I really love my bunch of Year 1 classmates~ They are probably the closest friends (apart from Hafiz.. haha) i have in this foreign country~ Nothing but smiles for the rest of the night for mE~

*Thanks guys for giving mE that wonderful night~ Spending time with you guys was great... especially since my EM201 exam that evening was kinda crap... hahaha.. certainly lifted up my spirits after that~ ;)

loVe y'all~


1:27 PM

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