. The uni gang .
. mE , fiz , *yanyin* , (someone) , Jack .
. Caught dai-di-ing~! .
. *tan-jo-bi o-me-de-to* yanyin~! .
2. Yanyin's Pressie
Deciding a present for yanyin toOk some time~ Why? - Coz its her 21st.. and 21st's are suppose to be special and "wow-like"~ lol.
Initially.. I was contemplating between certain items... such as fragrances and those large hug-able cushions~ But in the end.. it all felt toO "common" in a sense.
Thus.. with the help of my ole' pal willy wong.. I decided to create something from scratch for her.. something unique and personal.
We did it through the night of the 25th.. all the way from 9 or so till 6.30am~ =)
It was certainly tiresome and draining on us... but in the end.. I think u'd agree.. the end product was all worth it~ My very first D.I.Y present~
And of coz.. with the gracious and creative mind of willy's.. this is what resulted~
May the pictures do the talking:~ . The skeleton .
. Base coat .
. First coat .
. Sketched .
. creative mess .
. willy helping out . . It is done .
. Niceeee~ =D .
. Boxed up and ready to go .
. Hope you like it =) .
3. Day-out with Yanyin ~ 4/1/2008
Had an enjoyable time today~ Went shopping for CNY clothes at centrepoint - Bought an Esprit pants and a Nike Tee~ =)
Yanyin finally decided she wanted to eat @ Wang Xin HK Cafe at cineleisure~
Hmm.. we ordered some dim sums to fill us.. I had the peanut butter bread (which was a mistake... could not finish~ >.<) and she had a sponge cake~ Ying Yong drink for mE.. and a glass of warm barley for her~
After tea.. we went up to catch "The Mist"~ And boy was it a nice show~ =) To mE.. it was interesting and suspenseful through till the end~ And the ending was really a saD one~ Still can't believe that....... *spoiler spoiler* =(
Yanyin said she still felt for the main protagonist even after reaching home~ I guess mE toO~ Come evening.. we headed to the arcade at Suntec (suggested by her.. which surprised mE. Hehe. But it was all gD and fun~)
After all the merciless shootings and smacking on the arcade machines.. we finally had dinner @ Sakae below~ I enjoyed the company and the day was just fun~ But most of all.. the sharings with her were the most meaningful to mE.. and I most certainly cherish them~
Thanks yanyin~ =)
P.S: For those of you who are "thinking" into this.. I shall state clearly that Yanyin's one of the best friends I've come to know.. Someone I can confide in.. share my joys & woes with.. and be a friend.
And I'm sorry.. but she has a loving bf, Kenny, who's a great guy~ ;)
4. CNY~
It seems CNY is getting to be less exciting for mE and feels rather "normal" these days. Gone are the days when I'd be loOking forward to visitations and collecting the massive amounts of hong baos? lol~
I suppose I'm catching on on age~ xD
Chu-3 at willy's was something I very much loOked forward to~ A full-day with the guys hackin' away on DoTa and Bleach.. and having a mouth-watering steamboat for dinner~ =D~~
Something was on my mind ever since dinner started... something that bothered mE.. and troubled mE. Something so disappointing... it was utterly depressing.
Only some of you know what exactly was plaguing mE..
But in the end... after much emotional defeat... I suppose I managed to get back up and loOk ahead~
5. Flight Changes ~ 11/2/2008
Today was probably one of the most horrible days I've had this holiday~
The initial plan was to return to Perth on the 16th feb with her~ But... due to flight ticketing complications.. I was unable to change to the 23rd morning.. which was what she had planned to do~ Naturally.. I was distraught and oh-so-very disappointed.... =(
Throughout the entire day (literally).. I tried every means to get things right.. made many calls to STA Travel and Qantas... but at the end of the day.. i could only get the 23rd night flight~ =(
However.. come the following day.. by a stroke of compassion and goodwill.. I was able to make the change to the 23rd morning~ =)
Done with the help and thoughtfulness of my dear mother. =)
*Love you mother* ~ You're the Best~
6. 13/2/2008 ~ =)
Today I went out with her.
~.. Someone who always puts a smile on my face ..~
~.. there is no other.. but you ..~