Tuesday, March 25, 2008,
I know some of you are awaiting the result of my efforts.. and of my attempt.
Well.. for those closest to mE.. you would've heard from mE way before this post was written.. and thus.. know the result.
For the rest of my friends.. well.. lets just say that,
".. the heart was not able to reach far enough to embrace its star.."
Disappointed I maybe..
But nonetheless.. I have to strive on (in my studies I mean..)
I must say.. its partly coz of this matter (and preparations for her biFdaY).. that I've slackened in my studies.. and find myself having to catch up more than I usually do.. right now. =\
But I don't blame anyone but myself.
I should've still focused during my lessons.. and not occupy my entire time on the matter.. but I'm sure most would understand the feelings and anxiety I was going through..
A Balance should have been made.
Well.. thank goD its the study break now.. a week of no lessons.
I'll have to make full use of it to do lotsa catching up.. and to finish my assignments as well~
Finished Control Systems 301 assignment today.. not sure if its totally right though.. hmm.
Oh yes.. I'm gonna do my theory test this wednesday to get my L-Plate.. and then I can finally embark on my lessons~! wheE! So exciting..
In fact.. just 2 hrs ago.. around 10pm.. I "test-drove" fiz's car at one of the big "ulu" parking lots near Curtin..
Tried reversing.. turning.. accelerating at gear 1... Oh and I think I stalled about 6 - 7 times throughout. haha.. issues with the clutch.. as expected.
Hey, I haven't learnt anything yet! lol...
One thing I'm glad though..
And that is.. we're still v.gD friends~ =)
".. yea it won't. that's for sure.." ,
.. was her reply when I asked if this matter would affect our friendship.
Haven't really met up with her yet since her biFdaY celebrations.. but from her tone via sms and MSN.. she seems honest about it.
I trust her of coz.
Will be meeting her for a jog this sat~ =)
Have some things I wish to talk to her about toO..
Before I sign off.. here are the pics from her biFdaY celebrations..
First 2 pics are from the surprise visit I gave her on the actual day~
~ *Tan-jo-bi Ome-de-to* weiwei ~
~ Pls take gD caRe of it. lol ~
~ My home-made cupcake =) ~
~ Wrapped and ready to go ~
~ WL ~
~ Her "xiong xiong" present.. lol. ~

~ Jacq . Miss m00 . Sydney ~
~ what's with that loOk.. lol? Bad shot perhaps.. ~
~ Cake bought by the gaLs.. its nice and thick with chocolate-ty goOdness.. *yuM ~
~ Our Steamboat~! Kimchi pot and chicken soup pot ~
3:20 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008,
A Heart That's Reaching..
A Heart that's reaching...
That was the title of the letter I wrote to her...
Handed it to her just before I left in the evening... it was around 8pm then.
"..Oh.. I 'forgot' to hand you your 'birthday card' yesterday..." ,
was what I told her when I handed it to her...
Of coz... I did not. And of coz... it was no birthday card. I chose to give it to her today instead becoz we were having lunch today with her friends... and I knew she would feel v.awkward if she had read it before today..
Her birthday - 14th March. I woke up at 5am to bake the cupcakes as I had planned... Unfortunately for mE... the first batch screwed up... so I had to make a 2nd... which delayed the time i had planned to leave the house...
Instead of 9am.. I left at around 10am.
With a nicely decorated cupcake and her neatly wrapped present in hand... I toOk my 15min walk to her place.. walking along the ole' Manning Road...
The weather was rather kind to mE... it was quite cooling..
It was actually a risk for mE to travel to her place... becoz the friend who was helping mE to check up on her had gone to uni... but i don't blame him.. coz I did not tell him to stay.. and he had helped alot already.. Thanks william.
Thankfully.. she was home then. Another housemate opened the front door for mE... and I made my way up to her roOm..
I laid my stuff down just outside her room.. toOk out the lil' cupcake.. and lit it up.
A knock on her door came shortly... and it seemed she was about to leave her room to clear her breakfast bowl...
She was shocked and surprised to see mE..
And I then presented the lil' cupcake to her... I could see her face lit up right after..
She was so happy... extremely surprised... and she kept saying "thank you".
Just looking at how happy she was.. was enough to send mE to the stars..
Shortly after.. I presented the present to her...
Again.. she was surprised and the expression on her face was simply....
She said she was shy to open it in front of mE.. so I decided to stay outside her roOm... I gently closed the door while smiling at her just as the door closed..
Soon... I heard a gasp from her roOm... and I knew she had set her eyes on the artifact which toOk so much time and effort from a best friend and mE.
A picture was taken.... and I explained the "history" behind the present to her briefly..
Finally.. it was time for mE to leave... She was kind enough to walk mE out for abit.. till coles.
We talked along the way... stopped at coles and chatted for some time... before we bid our farewells..
It was a successful morning surprise. And I was glad it all fell into place as I had imagined..
Steamboat at her place.. we ate from 2 plus.. all the way till 4plus.. almost 5. There was so much gD food.. we ate and chatted.. laughed and celebrated.
There were 6 of us.. Weiling.. Sydney.. Jacq.. William.. KK.. and mE.
The gals also bought a cake for her to celebrate.
After lunch... Jacq headed home first.. and the remaining 5 of us sat down and played card games... Dai-di.. bluff.. heart-attack.. to name a few. It was total fun.. we laughed and simply had a ball of a time..
8pm arrived.. and it was getting late for Sydney... her bus trip home takes about 1.5hrs... madness i know. I decided to leave toO... the skies were darkening above mE..
Weiling and william decided to follow her to the bus-stop.. as Weiling had to get some last min stuff for her work from the city...
It was then... that I finally handed the letter to her..... and slowly walked home under the stillness of the night...
"The card you go home le later than read better.."
"ok ok thx for today."
"Hey i should be the one saying a big thanks to you. :)
I really had a great time today.. The food was excellent.. the games we played were fun.. and of coz.. the friends were v.gD company~
... I just hope it won't be the last time for mE. :) "
..The day seemed so good.. almost too gD to be true..
.. And as I walked home ..
.. i couldn't help but feel a sense that today.. might be the last time I would have such fun spent with her..
.. Might this be a sign of things to come?..
.. A day to mark the end of days with her?..
And so now..... the wait has arrived.
It's now 12.21am in Perth..
She came back home at around 10.30pm...
I wonder if she's read the letter...
I wonder how she's feeling... how she's reacting to it...
Have I just shocked her badly?..
Have I made her think otherwise?
Have I just touched her soul?
... or have I just ended it all?...
Many thoughts are flowing through my mind...
I wonder when a reply will suffice...
How it will end up...
Will our friendship be torn apart... or will it make us closer?
.. Will this heart reach its star? ..
.. Or will it slip and fall ever so far ..
.. The decision is yours and yours alone... weiwei
3:31 PM