Saturday, August 16, 2008,
Mini Cooper?
I am still crazy about fast supercars and the like.. (and still my.. my.. BABY - The GT-R!!)
However.. it's time to stop being a lil' kid and write about more *realistic* events instead.
Indulged in quite a few dinner-ings with my peeps.
One was to celebrate PeGgy's + anGeL's 19th & 21st biFdaYs~
Had a nice dinner at *Matsuri* - a jap restaurant along Hay Street in the city.
~ anGeL , peGgy ~
Food is kinda expensive.. but rather nice~
I had the "Soft Shell Crab Roll set" which was *Mmmmm-ilicious~
. *Mmm.. Soft shell crab.. .

Winnnny bought the cake (from Apple Cross "Utopia") and it was abso-tastically yummy as well~
"Dancing Master", it was called.
Haha.. yes yes a rather unique name for an interesting kind of cake~
. I love the yummy bits at the side .
~ *Happy belated biFdaY gaLs* ~
. Mario/Ah Pao/anGeL's bf in the white shirt .. Bido! Good thing you lowered your head.. or evette would've been censored xD .

*Cheers for the wine Mario/Ah Pao/anGeL's bf~! =D
(he's got quite a few aliases haha.)
And for the dinner also! omG. =O
Today is a special day.. coz its SINGAPORE'S NATIONAL DAY~!! whoO hoO~!
But!.. I'm not there to revel in its celebrations! BoooOOO...
*Happy biFdaY my dear*
I know life is tough there.. everything is so competitive.. you have to constantly go at 5th gear.. and most importantly.. CARS are so expensive there!! *grr..
But still!
I love you just as much~!! ^_^
(Cut down on car prices.. COE.. and I'll love you the most. hahaha xD)
It's also the day I went out with m00m00 to Subiaco in the afternoon to walk around and grab some veges and Honey-roasted Macademia nuts and stuff. *yuMm..
Evening came and it was time to meet up with Yilin & gang for dinner @ Makan Makan~
We gathered to kinda celebrate our Nation's biFdaY together~ =)
On that night, I was also invited to join peGgy & gang for steamboat and Pictionary at her place.. but unfortunately I couldn't be at two places in one time.
I mean.. even Superman can't do that.. he's just really reallyyyyy fast. xD
Alot of cam-whoring moments that night lol~
. o.O" .
L-R: Vicky , George , Weiling , Superman , YilinNaz , fiz , Radha
. Somehow, this pic is nice .. And I like it .

. Vicky! Your driving test no problem de. *Jiayou~ .Oh wait.. you don't understand chinese.. I keep forgetting >.<"

. The Huangs .Don't they loOk alike?

. erm.. o.O" .

Dinner outing to Concas.
PeGgy, winnnny, biDo, fiz, mE, anGeL, anGeL's bf (Mario/Ah Pao etc) and two of their friends made the list~
After dinner, we all headed to *Icy Ice* for some dessert~
PegGy had her Mango Ice
anGeL & gang had Crunchy Nut
Winnnny had Oreo Ice
.. and I didn't have any of those *Icy* stuff.. I had a Cookies & Cream cake instead..
... which wasn't fantastic at all... =\
Karaoke was next in line.
Sadly, despite my constant persuasion, winnnny still didn't join us. =\
She said she might have other plans..
Well.. Okie loh. ;)
Karaoke-d from 9.30 to 12.
Oh oh, and I finally got a chance to ride in winnnny's Mini Cooper Checkmate! =D~~
It's a sweeeeet ride.
And as I've said before, I believe it's one of those perfect cars for ladies.
Not too humongous nor tiny, surprisingly spacious and cutesy! =D
Tried to take some nice pics of her dazzling dashboard (which is really just freakin' awesome la)..
Unfortunately.. due to bad lighting and my crappish photo-taking skills.. they didn't come out toO well. =\
Maybe next time.
. Those orange lights are really sweeeet~! . =D
. Yea I know.. crap angle.. I should've asked winnnny to take it from her angle .I mean.. look at the Rev meter! So cutesy and vintage-ish~ =)
. I love your car winnnny .
And for goD's sake!
I remember I once saw a guy taller than mE.. driving in one.. and he loOked absolutely HIDEOUS in it!!
What was he thinking??
It's like trying to stuff an ugly elephant into your suitcase.
*shakes head violently*
Doesn't work that way.
You bring shame to the car.. you imbecile.
Oh dear.. I've ranted toO much. hahaha
2:32 PM