This has to be one of the best Smallville episodes so far. An episode which really kept me at the edge of my seat during the part where Lois was 'forced' into confessing her true feelings for Clark~ ^_^
"In season 8, episode 5 of Smallville titled "Commitment", Lois' love for Clark is finally shown.. though under not-so-desirable circumstances.. but still..
Lois loves Clark =)"
The first thing you notice from the clip which I cut is that the entire scenario resembles almost toO much to.. yeap you guessed it.. SAW. The first time I saw it I was abit "meh..", not another SAW-wannabe, as can be seen in many shows/films nowadays..
But what that scene brought forth and showed mE, completely toOk my mind off this cliche..
Okie, the story goes.. (I will admit, the plot is kinda lame actually.. but what transpired from it is so much more!)
Chloe (Lois' cousin and Clark's best friend) just got engaged to Jimmy. Soon after, they got kidnapped by this jeweler who obviously had a bad relationship with his ex-wife (ex because he killed her.. no surprise) His mentally obsessive reason for doing so is that he wants to make sure future couples do no make the same mistake as he did.. having a relationship that was filled with lies etc..
So he kidnaps Chloe & Jimmy and 'puts them to the test'.. which they eventually succeed in.. and were led off the hook.
Meanwhile, Lois and Clark decided to track this guy down to save Chloe & Jimmy.. so what did they do?
- They pretended to be a couple, in hopes of being kidnapped by Mr. Psycho.. which he did -
Just as Clark thought he could easily bash his way through with his super-might (duh).. The directors decided..
"hmm.. lets make this more interesting and give Mr. Psycho a Krypto-watch.. so that Clarky boy can't do anything.. =D"
.. which I'm glad they did.. coz it only made the story soO much more meaningful~ ^_^
And so, Lois & Clark find themselves staring truth in the face (via a lie-detector lol).. and undergoing the "commitment test"..
.. which as I've mentioned.. forces Lois to confess her true feelings to our dear Clarky~ (which totally surprised him no doubt)
The climatic part to watch out for is at 2:54 onwards till the confession.. ^_^ The suspence and anxiety of just waiting to hear her say "yes", coupled with the intense 'building-up' music, just makes me go, "AWWWW.... ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ "
A moment which marks the beginning of their romance.. that ultimately leads to their undeniable love for one another (that happens wayyyyy later in their lives)~ =)
Semester is coming to an end yet again. Its amazing how quickly time passes when you're studying... overseas.. at least for mE.
Exams nearing.. assignments/reports due.. bla-bler-blee-blaaaa. Best thing of coz is...
I'm gonna kiss the soil that it sits on..
But there are still 5 more weeks to go..
In the meantime, there are stuff to do here.. such as going for a 'Western Power Field Trip' where we checked out the Bentley sub-station - awesome.
And went for Pasar Malam as well - which was kinda awesome toO... except for those goddamned SATAYS!!!!
15/10/2008 (Wednesday morning)
Woke up especially early for the field trip at 9am.
Of all the days, goD had to bless us with SCORCHING HEAT. =\ And unfortunately for us, the sub-station was open-aired.. which is gD coz we can see everything clearly.. but also badddd.. coz we got baked like lil' tiny ants under a magnifying glass... a HUGE one.
But all was gD nonetheless. We finally got a chance to have a first hand look at how a proper electrical sub-station is built and more importantly, all the transformers, distribution lines etc.. (stuff which will put most of you to sleep if I elaborate.. =D)
It was coooOOOL~
I suppose pictures will be more interesting than listening to mE dabble about..
. Our guide .
. 132 kV to 22 kV transmission lines .
. Transformer .
. Capacitor Banks .
. Relays .
17/10/2008 (Friday evening)
After a long week at uni, we decided to chill out at the 'Pasar Malam' event which the uni organised. For those who are not in the know, 'Pasar Malam' means 'Night Market' - where people set up FOOD stalls (obviously at night) and you basically go around buying HEAPS and spoiling yourself silly with satays, ramley burgers and barbequed seafood to name a few. =D
There were like 30 - 40 stalls that night! =O But unfortunately, I find that the standards have dropped as compared to previous years. *blah.. =\
. YS , Loong . YS: "Hey loong.. did you know.. " Loong: "Hmm.. i think i saw a pretty chick over there.." xD
Anywho, the group of us comprised of Yu Sheng (yes guys, there is a YS in australia too and he's my 'classmate buddy'.. kinda like how our YS is my 'army buddy'.. HAHA - how coincidental this is. xD), Loong and Sydney (loong's sis)~
I bumped into quite a few friends as well - Yilin, Vicky, Zhi Hao, winny, anGeL, Mario, bido, Aaron, Haitham and Brad.. Okie, so that's quite alot.. lol.
In fact, we all bumped into toO many familiar faces. =)
Alot of hot asian gaLs toO I must say... and I mean.. a HELL LOT..
.. wait.. I didn't just say that. =X
. We waited 1 WHOLE #!$%ing hour for these SATAYS that were completely SHEEEEEEIT!! . *BIG ROARRRRRR* .. we weren't smiling soon after.. >=\
Oh and the live performances were SHEEEEEEEEET. Pls, if you can't sing (like mE), kindly save our ears from exploding and go do it at a KTV.. coz that's what they're for. =X
Pity.. the gaL with the long sexy legs (amidst the coldness of the night.. yea.. she wore hot pants when it was 10 - 15 degrees) could not sing as well as she loOked. =\
Not only that, she gave everyone the impression that she's gonna be gD coz she and her band toOk a long time to prepare and she kept "mic testing" and even told the DJ to lower the bass and all that..
And in the end..
as Loong puts it..
But all in all, it was gD fun hanging out with the fellas.
P.S: I was gonna blog about zyinG's 21st biFdaY.. but the PHOTOS HAVE NOT REACHED ME YET. HURRY!
Though I did revise and attempt my assignment, it was generally a sluggish week. Usually if the blog starts growing mold after awhile without new content.. it either means I'm hell busy (less likely) or nothing exciting happened (more likely).
However, today was something worth mentioning. Today, the presentation session for the Final Year Projects (FYP) took place. It went all the way from 9 to 5~ Numerous different projects for the electrical and computing disciplines.
My good friend and housemate Hafiz had his at 9.50-ish. So I decided to drag my lazy bum out to support him in the lecture theatre. Sheng and I also attended some of the presentations given by other final year students within our electrical discipline.
Some were "omg-that-looks-straight-out-of-the-text?!" kinda standard, whilst others were more of "holy-shit-that's-freakin'-awesome!"
But more importantly, it opened my eyes to how FYP presentations are about.. how they should AND should NOT be done and what kinda terrorizing questions the judges could throw at you. >.<
More interestingly though, today I saw how even the big guns - ie: professors - are just as much capable at arguing between themselves as teaching us!
As the photo (which I secretly toOk) above roughly depicts, during the Q&A session, Prof. A began throwing questions at the student. All seemed fine and normal..
Prof. B (who was the student's project supervisor- ie: the guy who helps you) started rebutting Prof. A and the two went at it for almost 5 min! And just when it seemed it couldn't get more "interesting".. Dr. C came into the picture and all three were challenging each other's opinions and (evidently) their knowledge on the subject. HAHAHA!
I personally know all three of them coz each had taught me at some point and I must say they ALL obviously know their stuff well. Really good lecturers.
But just seeing those three superhouses go at it was just SPECTACULAR and was sorta like an "exclusive interview between Bush and Osama" - something which you never thought you would actually experience!
The debate/argument/entertainment went on for probably 5min or so.. before another Dr. (facing my camera) finally calmed things down and said something like..
"Alright, i think that's quite enough.. lets end our arguments and actually question the student!"
All the while, the student was just standing there.. probably secretly giggling.. whilst the rest of us at the back were internally imploding with laughter and whispering..
".. Fight.. fight.. fight!!.." xD
But I'm sure at the end of the day.. there were no hard feelings between them...
.. or were there?
Apparently, a friend of mine told me such "head-butts" were bound to happen every year.. as did last year when one of the doctors told a professor to..
.."go back and read your textbook!"
omG. Owned biatch! =O =O =O
So it seems.. going to uni might not be so boring afterall.. sometimes. lol
That's enough of that.. here're some random pictures of Little Jovie~
Little Jovie - Evette's cute, furry, tiny ball of fun
P.S: The professors' names were not disclosed for fear of embarrassing them... but more like so I won't get sued or HUNTED down by them! xD
Le'Composer: `keLvin
Years Lived: 23
What i do?: Student
Schools: SAS/Yjc/Curtin Uni
Unit: 39 SCE
.: loves :.
Mika Nakashima ~ my dearest
Family . Friends
GTO (Jap drama)
1 Litre of Tears (Jap drama)
1% of Anything (Korean drama)
Death Note
Samurai X
Prison Break
My Music
Anything that cracks me up (big time!) xD
Yummy food
.: Hates :.
Hmm.. depends. lol
Fake people..
of-you" kind of people